Tuesday, August 1, 2017

The Talk

So, I had to have the talk with my kids yesterday. The talk about responsibility and independence and basically not wanting to walk into a bunch of shit when I get home from a long day. Let me take a step back and let you know what led to "the talk". I had a 5am till 6:30pm kind of day yesterday with work from 5 and having to finish up a bunch of stuff at the house we are moving out of. So I am totally exhausted because of this day and also the many days of not much sleep before it due to moving. I get home to walk into a huge mess of Legos and styrofoam and cat puke and cat litter all over the bathroom floor and a huge pile of dirty dishes. Also the one big chore that I gave them with the promise of payment was not completed, so you can imagine the frustration brewing. I went and sat in my room to take a breath and maybe shed a tear or two (again, exhaustion), and came out to have the talk in a calm and collected voice. I told them that I don't want to get home from a long day into a total mess, that the many boxes needing to still be unpacked is mess enough. I reminded them gently that we don't have a dishwasher anymore or the abundant space and so dishes need to be taken care of promptly. I reminded them that there is no cat door into a garage anymore where just the cat can get through to his litter box and the importance of keeping the dog away from the cat food, etc. I also asked them to once again go check the yard for all sticks and where I had seen more so they could take care of that chore and get paid. I told them that I wanted them to be able to have their independence and trust that they are going to be safe and responsible at home on their own while I work and that I want them to gain more and more independence. They listened, I think they got it...atleast the 14 year old did. As I made dinner later last night, my daughter asked what she could do to help and I asked her to vacuum the styrofoam and the litter up. She said she understood that I was exhausted and if she could also help with dinner she was willing. I went to bed with peace in my head. Today I got home from work and she had taken care of all the dishes that they had used for breakfast and lunch and she was just finishing up taking care of some cat puke, probably due to the anxiety of moving. Today I didn't feel as frustrated and the kids cooperated and were peacefully watching a movie together. Today was a good day and I am thankful that I decided to have "the talk", because open communication is so important. I did have a picture of the clean sink area, but no Internet yet means no easy way to share that picture. I think you guys get the point though.
Till next time.